Here's something interesting I found on It's a rug made out of shoelaces. Pretty cool shit. It's considered a "happenstantial multiple" by creaters by Nate Silverstein and Andrea Paustenbaugh. It moves beneath your feat, creating an ever-changing sculpture that's surprisingly comfortable and engaging.
In my opinion it's a great middle ground between form and function. Pleasing to look at, yet conformable and functional. We need more of that.
Like what you see. Visit their website The SMALL, approx. 1m x 2m, color: black + white will run you $250 USD. The LARGE spanding 2m x 4m in black + white will cost you $500 USD. Those are your options and each one is unique. We like that. Im sure at some point these rugs will be swooped up and available at the hipster temple Urban Outfitters.